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Selectmen's Minutes June 17, 1997
Minutes  6/17/97

Absent Charles Flynn due to daughter's 8th grade graduation.  Peter Jones acted as Chair.  Also present:  Judith Murdoch, Catherine Kuchinski, and Daniel Webster.

Jones opened the meeting at 7:40pm. Chairman Jones announced that the Historic Commission has requested to postpone the appointment with Board until July 8.  He announced that Selectman Flynn would be late since he was attending his daughter's graduation from the Indian Head School.  Chairman suggested that the Board take up the appointments noting that in addition to those listed in the regular agenda, there was an addendum page.  He suggested that we address two issues on the addendum page concerning Wes Blaus and Alan Spera, notifying the Board that they do not wish to be reappointed to the Recreation Commission and the Board of Appeals respectively.  Ms. Kuchinski requested letters of thanks for both members to be sent.  The Chairman then read as printed on the agenda including the addendum, the following appointments:

William Baldwin to Board of Appeals (see application) - 2000
Town Hall Building Committee - Alan Clemons
                        Historical Commission Rep.
So. Shore Regional Vocational School Committee
                        Thomas Gavin - 2000
Street Lighting Committee
                        Donald Pina
Nathaniel Thomas Mill Committee
                        David B. Clemons - 2000
                        Robert A. Buotte, Sr.
Council for Elder Affairs
                        Lillian Weeks - 2000
Conservation Commission
                        Steven Croghan - 2000
Cable T.V. Committee
                        Warren Emerson
Arts Lottery Council
                        Mary Lou Sutter - 1999
Town Counsel
                        Kopelman & Paige
Labor Counsel
                        Earl Wilson
CD - Water Services Officer
                        Edward Reed, Water Superintendent
CD - Shelters Officer, Operations Officer
                        August P. Silva
CD - Radio Officer
                        Kenneth Garren
Street Lighting Committee
                        Paul Taber, Sr.
                        Edward F. Savage, Wiring Inspector
Capital Improvement Committee
        Angelo Nuby - 2000
Richard Clifford to Recreation Commission - 2000
Tony Quigley to Disability Committee - 2000

and asked for a motion to accept the list as read.  Motion made by Judy Murdoch, 2nd by Cathy Kuchinski.  Ms. Kuchinski asked if there had been any indication from the Conservation Commission regarding the certification process for members.  Mr. Nugent mentioned that he had spoken with the Chairman and was told that they would consider asking members to participate in the certification process as well as posting a meeting which involves certification program.  Ms. Kuchinski also asked if we had solicited information concerning other Town Counsels.  Exec. Sec.. responded that although through the course of the year letters do come in from other law firms, that we had not done any type of solicitation.  Ms. Kuchinski suggested that perhaps next year in an effort to keep our prices down that we speak with several firms.  Voted taken, 4-0 to appoint the above members.

The Board addressed the issue of minutes.  Ms. Kuchinski explained the various segments of minutes that she was responsible for.  She stated that in addition to the April 8th, May 5th and May 20th minutes listed on the agenda, that there were also minutes from April 15th and May 13th.  She explained that she had made the changes on the April 8th minutes that were indicated by the Board and that the April 15th minutes were held by Charlie Flynn, however, he had commented to her by FAX that he was withdrawing his hold.  The Board decided to vote the minutes individually.  Motion made by Murdoch, 2nd Kuchinski to accept the minutes of April 8.  Voted 3-0-1 (Webster abstained).  Motion by Murdoch, 2nd Kuchinski to accept the minutes of May 13.  Voted 3-0-1 (Webster abstained)  Motion by Murdoch, 2nd Kuchinski to accept the minutes of May 20.  Voted 4-0.  Board agreed to hold minutes of April 15th and May 5.

Board voted on motion by Kuchinski, 2nd Murdoch to grant a common victualer license to the Hanson Historical Society for 6/27/97 between 5 and 8 p.m. for the strawberry festival and 9/13/97 for the Harvest Fair.  Voted 4-0.  Board members commented that the Strawberry Festival is a terrific event at which strawberry shortcake and icecream sundaes are served.

Board voted on motion by Kuchinski, 2nd Murdoch to grant a Hawkers and Peddler's license for Charles Sweet located at the Charter Gas Station Rtes. 27 and 58 from 7/1 to 9/30/97.  Voted 4-0.

Board voted 4-0 on motion by Judy Murdoch, 2nd by Kuchinski to accept the new date for the bottle and can drive for Whitman Hanson Regional High School to be held June 28, 1997 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Board also discussed meeting dates confirming the dates for July of 7/8 and 7/22.  The Board further voted on motion by Murdoch, 2nd by Webster to meet August 5 and 19.  The Exec. Secretary pointed out that following that schedule, we would be scheduled to meet September 2 and 16; however, with the need to close the warrant for the Special Town Meeting no later than September 9, he suggested that we skip a meeting on the 2nd and requested the Board to post a meeting for September 9th.  Motion made by Murdoch, 2nd by Kuchinski, voted 4-0 to meet September 9.

Chairman Jones read the hearing notice and requested a report from Doris Phillips representing Eastern Utilities.  Ms. Phillips explained that as a result of a new house being built, an additional pole was needed on Squantum Avenue.  She referred to the map which Board members had and explained the distances and the location of the pole.  Motion made by Murdoch, 2nd by Kuchinski, voted 4-0.  Board members asked if there was any paper work to be signed.  Mr. Nugent indicated that he would check and if anything needed to be signed it would be in the folder for June 23.  Ms. Phillips indicated that this would not be a problem for them.  

Chairman asked for Exec. Secretary report.  Mr. Nugent announced that unfortunately due to time constraints he had not been able to call for a meeting of the Insurance sub-committee.  However, he had reviewed both bid proposals and with the assistance of a breakdown sheet provided by MIIA, he felt that Great American should be awarded the bid.  Mr. Nugent explained that in assessing the Workers Compensation bid there were more factors involved such as the payrolls for different fiscal years, applicable rebates, and projections of payrolls for FY98.  He stated in this instance both companies were fairly close together.  And as a result of a rebate which both are allowed to give by law, the Town would benefit on its cost for Workers Comp.  Mr. Nugent further added that given an overall comparison, he also took into consideration the service which we have utilized from our agent, Hannon and Ryan in Pembroke.  Given all these considerations, he strongly recommended that the Board vote to continue our Great American policy and our Workers Comp with MEGA.  Ms. Kuchinski commented that although she understood the time constraints for a meeting, would it be possible to hold off and have the insurance committee members review within the next couple of weeks.  Mr. Nugent stated that since the Board is not meeting again until July, that several policies have to be renewed, however, he stated he would be more than happy to attempt to set up a meeting with the committee to review existing policies and to determine whether any changes should be made concerning existing coverage.  Motion by Murdoch, 2nd by Kuchinski to accept Great American and MEGA proposal.  4-0 vote.

Executive Secretary mentioned a letter from Sullivan's Motorcycle Accessories of Franklin St. indicating their desire to install some traffic islands at the intersection of Franklin St. and Rte. 27.  Their intent is to provide a safer intersection and furthermore to beautify the area.  Mr. Nugent stated he was simply informing the Board of this letter and would follow up with details and a full blown proposal at a later date.

Mr. Nugent also informed the Board that fire alarm bids for the Maquan School were received at 49,500 and that work was being coordinated in hopes of starting June 30 and be finished prior to school starting in September.  

On a final item Mr. Nugent explained to the Board that the Golf Course Study Com. has released an RFP for a golf feasibility study.  Proposals would be due in early July with the express purpose of investigating the feasibility of the Town building a golf course.

Chairman Jones announced that the Board of Health is holding a hazardous waste day on 6/21/97 from 10 to 3 at the disposal area.  He also announced that a settlement had been reached between the Conservation Commission and the Water Dept. with issues surrounding the filing of an order of conditions having been resolved.  Mr. Nugent added that it was his understanding that the Water Dept. had submitted amended notice of intent to the Con. Com. on June 10th.  The Con. Com. subsequently voted a new order of conditions and the matter seemed to be resolved.

The Chairman also commented that several people have approached him concerning the building of fields at the new school site.  Specifically that some fields have been dropped from the plan.  The Exec. Sec. indicated that that is not the case, that there are indeed two soccer fields, a baseball field, and a track being installed as part of the program.  After some discussion, the Board requested that perhaps Betty O'Sullivan be invited to the July 8th meeting of the Board to make a presentation in front of cable.  

At 8:30 Chairman Jones read the hearing for request for aboveground storage of gasoline and diesel fuel.  Presentation made by Mr. Harris as a result of Town Meeting vote in May, through the Capital Improvement Committee, the Highway Dept. is purchasing two above ground tanks, 5,000 for gasoline, 3,000 for diesel, to be contained in a vaulted area.  Mr. Harris mentioned that he is preparing to go out to bid.  Chief King and Chief Huska were also present and indicated support for the project.  Note 8:30 Charles Flynn arrived.  Resident Lance Benjamino of 825 Indian Head St. spoke to the Board regarding concerns.  The Town currently uses 1700 feet of his property.  He had concerns  regarding his legal liabilities should the Town continue to use his property and especially now with gasoline and diesel fuel traveling over his property.  It was agree by all parties that deliveries will be made on the south driveway, avoiding the use of hazardous materials travelling on Mr. Benjamino's property.  A suggestion was made by Chief Huska that if the Town did not need the area, we should return the property to Mr. Benjamino.  Board members suggested that Mr. Nugent meet with Mr. Benjamino and Mr. Harris to discuss the issues and report back.  Motion by Murdoch to approve the permit noting that deliveries will be done during business hours unless it is an emergency and will use the south driveway, 2nd Webster.

5-0 vote.

Motion by Kuchinski, 2nd Murdoch to close public hearing, 5-0 vote.

Ms. Kuchinski discussed with the Board various positions that she is appointed to in her capacity as Selectman, as well as other Board members.  After some discussion, it was agreed that the following Board members would serve on the following committees.  Motion made by Murdoch that the following Board members sit on the following Committees:

Drainage Committee - Kuchinski
Emergency Communications Operation Committee - Flynn
Street Acceptance Committee - Webster
Street Lighting Committee - Jones
Town Hall Building Committee - Webster
Thomas Memorial Committee - Andrews
Plymouth County Advisory Board - Murdoch
Alternative Sewage Study Committee - Webster
Hanson Housing Partnership - Kuchinski
Open Space Committee - Kuchinski
Zoning Bylaw Committee - Murdoch

2nd Jones, voted 5-0

Ms. Kuchinski also asked for an update on the MBTA.  Mr. Nugent explained the non-confirmation after two letters to the T concerning our meeting tonight.  Ms. Kuchinski requested letters from various departments concerning site inspections of the T parking area and a request for final plans from the T concerning the parking lot.  In addition, Ms. Kuchinski stated that Board members were to receive the phone #'s of the T's representatives, maybe several calls could be made.  On another issue, Ms. Kuchinski asked if the auditors would be available to make a presentation, noting that this has been done in the past.  Mr. Flynn pointed out that if we were having the auditors in, we should also have the department heads in that are mentioned in the audit.  The Board agreed and set a target date of August 5th to bring in the Auditors.  

Mrs. Murdoch reported that she attended a morning meeting on June 11th at the Highschool to discuss community leadership program involving students and community projects.  She expressed interest in the program and felt it would be wonderful for both the school and the Town. Mrs. Murdoch also mentioned that she had received a copy of the Plymouth County budget and would make it available to members for their review.

Mr. Flynn commented on both the 8th grade graduation at Indian Head School and the Highschool graduation.  He congratulated the students on behalf of the Board and commended the regional school district for the ceremonies.  Mr. Flynn also requested that the Exec. Sec. check with the Highway Surveyor and find out the status of the installation of fourway stop signs at Andrew Lane and the status of stop signs at other locations.

Ms. Kuchinski also requested Mr. Nugent check with the Highway Surveyor to check on the status of the crosswalk painting.  Ms. Kuchinski mentioned a South Shore HOusing update.  The Exec. Sec. explained that he had recently met with members of South Shore Housing Development Corp. and viewed a project in Pembroke called Cross Creek and that So. Shore Housing Development Corp. was in the process of submitting a revamped plan to the Town under the "local initiative program"  As such  the developer needs the support of the Board of Selectmen to pursue a LIP project.  Mr. Nugent stated he would prepare the appropriate information for the Board members to review prior to any presentation being made.

Mr. Webster reported to the Board members on the Habitat Housing dedication held this past week.  

Motion by Jones, 2nd Murdoch, 5-0 to adjourn at 9:30 p.m.